Willow Class
Year 3 will start by focusing on place value this term; representing, partitioning, comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000. This understanding will support their learning when adding and subtracting across a 10 and 100. Year 3 will also start to look at formal written methods to add and subtract numbers with and without exchanges, using column method. Finally, they will begin their multiplication and division unit, developing their use of arrays to support their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times table and division facts.
Year 4 will start by focusing on place value this term; representing, partitioning, comparing and ordering numbers up to 10,000. The children will start to develop the skill of rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. This learning will support their understanding when adding and subtracting across a 10, 100 and 1,000. Year 4 will develop their skills of adding and subtracting with one or more exchanges using the formal written column method. Finally, the children will begin their multiplication and division unit, learning multiplication and division facts for the 3, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables.
Willows will be looking at a variety of texts, across the Autumn term to develop their writing in English. The first text they will be exploring is ‘The Heart in the Bottle’, where they will be learning to write to explain, using fronted and adverbials and a range of conjunctions. Their next text is ‘The Arrival’, where they will be using expanded noun phrases and paragraphs to organise their narratives.
After half term, the children will be reading ‘The Promise’, in which they will be learning to punctuate direct speech and using the present perfect form of verbs in contrast to the past tense. Their writing purpose is to inform and entertain. Their next text links to their history topic around the Egyptians - The Legend of Tutankhamun. They will be writing to describe, by using preposition phrases to aid their descriptions and developing their use of vocabulary when using expanded noun phrases.
In Geography this term, the children will be investigating the question, Why are rainforests important to us? They will be finding out where in the world the tropical rainforests are by using an atlas. Willows will be describing and giving examples of a biome and the features of the Amazon rainforest, including the characteristics of each forest layer. The children will also be finding out about the lives of the indigenous peoples living in the Amazon rainforest, and how they are being impacted by the different changes and threats. Finally, the children will be exploring their local woodland and how the different threats and changes have impacted the habitats and people around them.
In history this term, Willows will be studying what the Ancient Egyptians believed about the afterlife. Children will understand that burial practice was based, in part on symbolism and explain in simple terms Ancient Egyptian ideas about the Afterlife. By the end of their learning journey, the children will develop a role play performance detailing an Egyptian’s journey through Duat to the afterlife.
In art this term, the children will be developing their skills in drawing and painting landscapes and perspectives. Willows will start to understand the purpose of a vanishing point and fore, mid and background in drawings with increasing accuracy. They will adapt and experiment with pain colours to achieve tonal effects. The children will also learn to draw from observation with emphasis on first-hand experience and with increasing awareness.
Willows will also have the opportunity to research the work of Alberto Giacometti, famous for his sculptures. The children will create a three dimensional human form that can be created using wire, inspired by Giacometti’s work.
This term in science, the children will be investigating the big question How can I identify materials based on their properties? Across the unit, Willows will conduct various investigations to support their substantive knowledge:
- Materials can be divided into solids, liquids and gases.
- Solids hold their shape unless forced to change.
- Liquids flow easily but stay in their container because of gravity. The more viscous a liquid the less runny it is.
- Gases move everywhere and are not held in containers by gravity.
The children will also be investigating the big question What are mixtures and how can they be separated? Across the unit, Willows will conduct various investigations to support their substantive knowledge:
- A substance is an object with the same properties throughout. 
- A mixture is when more than one substance is present in the same container 
In music this term, the children will become familiar with the expressive call-and-response Gospel song ‘This Little Light of Mine’. The musical learning for this unit starts with the children improvising with their voice on the notes of the pentatonic scale D-E-G-A-B. Next, they will explore how to sing in a Gospel style with expression and dynamics, to entertain an audience. Finally, the children will develop their sense of rhythm by listening and moving in time to songs in a Gospel style.
After half term, the children will learn the ‘doot doot song’ which has a relaxed swing style, reminiscent of Jack Johnson. It is based on a typical song structure and uses C major, A minor and F major chords. During their musical learning, pupils will learn to sign and play the song, develop technical skills on tuned percussion, learn about chords, and experience playing in a class band. Playing, singing, and improvising is supported by listening to, and appraising music based around the acoustic guitar, comparing and contrasting different artists’ styles.
This term in RE, Willows will be exploring the key concept Good and Evil linked to the Hindu celebration of Divali. Most children will be able to describe how Hindus remember good and evil in the story of Rama and Sita, and explain the importance of Hindus valuing good overcoming evil. The children will also be able to describe examples of how responses to good and evil affect their own and others’ lives, through role play and circle time.
After half term, Willows will be exploring the key concept Holy linked to Mary, Mother of God. Most pupils will be able to describe the concept of holy and how Christians show that they believe Mary is holy. The children will also learn to communicate their own response to the concept of holy and describe examples of how their ideas about holiness affect their lives.