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Beech Class


In Autumn one, the theme for our books this term is wolves. Our first short film we will be looking at is ‘Little Wolf’. We will then look at two books, Wolves by Emily Gravett and Mr Wolf’s Pancake by Jan Fearley. The children will complete numerous writing pieces such as instructions, a short story, a letter and a report. At the start of this term, we will be recapping everything that we need to include in our writing such as capital letters, full stops, conjunctions and the appropriate punctuation. In Autumn term 2, the theme for our books is the environment. Beech are going to be looking at the books ‘Once upon a Jungle’ and ‘Tidy’. They are going to be writing to inform/ entertain and writing a letter. They are going to be using adverbs, questions, exclamations and writing in the past tense. They are also going to be evaluating and editing their own writing to improve.


Yr1 Math’s

This Half Term they are going to start off with Place Value (within 10). They will be recapping and extending their learning from YR such as sorting and counting objects, counting on from any number, identifying one more and one less and comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. They will also be learning addition and subtraction within 10 using part whole models and their number bonds and looking at 3D and 2D shapes.


Yr 2 Math’s

This term they will be recapping knowledge from year 1 on place value and starting addition and subtraction. They will be learning how to partition numbers, estimating numbers on a number line and counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. They will also be starting on the topic addition and subtraction which includes bonds to 10, adding across 10 and add to the next 10 and subtract across 10. At the end of the autumn term, they are going to be recapping their knowledge on 2D shapes and learning about 3D shapes and their properties.


Yr1 Phonics

This term, the children in Year 1 are going to be recapping their phonics that they learnt in reception and will be expanding their knowledge. They will start be revisiting phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs before moving on to learning alternative digraphs in phase 5.  During these phonics sessions they will orally blend words that include the sound and also write the sound and words on a whiteboard and then include these words in sentences.



Yr2 Spellings

This half term they will be recapping the spellings of tricky words and looking at the spelling rules. They will be using different techniques such as pyramid writing and rainbow writing to learn these spellings. These spellings will include Common exception words and word families such as words ending in ‘ind’ ‘oor’ and ‘ast’.



This term in science, we are going to be exploring different materials and their properties focusing on metals, rocks, fabrics, wood, plastic and ceramics. We will be investigating whether the properties of a material determine whether they are suitable for a purpose. At the end of autumn term, will be looking at which materials are suitable for buildings and clothing and how materials can change overtime.



This half term, the children will be researching healthy eating and a balanced diet. The children are going to be tasting a variety of fruits, using tally charts to identify each other’s favourite fruits and use this data to pick fruits for their own fruit kebabs. Each child will design their fruit kebab, make it and evaluate their design. They will be exploring the bridge and claw grip to safely cut fruit.



This term in history our topic is Amport School. Beech are going to be looking at the history of Amport and the school using photos from the past and current photos. They are going to be ordering pictures on a timeline to show chronological order of our school. They are also going to be looking at how the school emblem links to the history of Amport School.



This term, the geography topic in Beech is What is it like here? Throughout this topic we will be looking at where we are in the world, what we can see in our classroom and school grounds, where are different places in our school and how we can make our playground even better. We will be developing map skills, recognizing physical and human features in their locality and using direction language to describe the location of objects in the classroom and playground.



In RE this term Beech will be exploring symbols focusing on the Harvest loaf used as a symbol for Christians at harvest. We will be identifying different symbols and drawing and labelling them. We are also going to be looking at the creation story and exploring their thoughts on this story. On the lead up to Christmas we will be learning about the events leading up to Christmas day and the importance of these for Christians.



This term in PSHE the children will learn about respectful relationships, both within school and in their home lives. They will be focusing on making friends, feeling lonely and getting help, recognising privacy and staying save and respecting ourselves and others.


In autumn Beech are going to be focusing on three different topics in PE.

Gymnastics – Show a range of recognised point balances, introduce turning, twisting, rocking and rolling and linking them together. Performing simple cannon and unison techniques.

Attack, defend shoot – Running and jumping, begin to engage in competitive activities, experience opportunities to improve agility, balance and coordination. To recognize rules and apply them, use and apply simple strategies for invasion games, preparing and explaining the reasons we enjoy exercise.

Dance – Build simple movement patterns from given actions, compose and link actions to make simple movement phrases.