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School Day and Term Dates

Our official school day, which are the compulsory hours which children must attend, starts at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm. The total time this amounts to is 32.5 hours per week.

Our school timings are as follows:

Start of day 9am with fexible drop off from 8.50am

End of morning session for EYFS and KS1 is 12noon. End of morning session for KS2 is 12.05pm

Start of afternoon session is 1pm for all classes.

End of the day for all classes is 3.30pm


Term dates

Autumn Term 2024 

2nd September to 20th December (half term October 28th to November 1st)

Spring Term 2025

6th January to 4th April (half term February 17th to February 21st)

Summer Term 2025 

22nd April to 22nd July (half term May 26th to May 30th)